October General Membership Meeting: “What Do Building Departments Wish We Knew?”
670 White Plains Rd
Tarrytown, NY 10591
Join us for our October General Membership Meeting! Our topic will be:
“What Do Building Departments Wish We Knew?”
We’ll begin with informal networking and discussion at 5:00 PM.
The main program will begin at 6:00 PM.
Whether you’re a homebuilder, a contractor, a co-op, a condo, a landlord, a managing agent, or a remodeler, eventually you’re going to need to navigate your local Building Department and building inspectors to get a permit for construction or repair work. Every department is a little bit different, and every municipality has its quirks. But the process doesn’t need to be opaque. We’ve invited a handful of Building Commissioners to discuss what they wished every applicant knew before submitting his or her permit.
We’ll cover:
- Best practices — what have some applicants and contractors done that has made even a complex process go much more smoothly?
- Train wrecks — what tends to cause an application to go off the rails for no good reason, or what common mistakes or easily avoided problems can bog an application or project down?
- And other tips or recommendations to make the interaction with the department run more smoothly — for the applicant and the municipality alike!
Speakers (list in formation):
- Paul Vacca, New Rochelle Commissioner of Building
- Damon A. Amadio, P.E., White Plains Commissioner of Building