
October General Membership Meeting: “What Do Building Departments Wish We Knew?”

Event Details

  • Date/Time: Thursday, October 19th, 2023 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Westchester Marriott
670 White Plains Rd
Tarrytown, NY 10591

Join us for our October General Membership Meeting! Our topic will be:

“What Do Building Departments Wish We Knew?”
We’ll begin with informal networking and discussion at 5:00 PM.
The main program will begin at 6:00 PM.

Whether you’re a homebuilder, a contractor, a co-op, a condo, a landlord, a managing agent, or a remodeler, eventually you’re going to need to navigate your local Building Department and building inspectors to get a permit for construction or repair work. Every department is a little bit different, and every municipality has its quirks. But the process doesn’t need to be opaque. We’ve invited a handful of Building Commissioners to discuss what they wished every applicant knew before submitting his or her permit.

We’ll cover:

  1. Best practices — what have some applicants and contractors done that has made even a complex process go much more smoothly?
  2. Train wrecks — what tends to cause an application to go off the rails for no good reason, or what common mistakes or easily avoided problems can bog an application or project down?
  3. And other tips or recommendations to make the interaction with the department run more smoothly — for the applicant and the municipality alike!

Speakers (list in formation):

  • Paul Vacca, New Rochelle Commissioner of Building
  • Damon A. Amadio, P.E., White Plains Commissioner of Building


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