
March General Membership Meeting: “Housing in Surprising Places”

Event Details

  • Date/Time: Thursday, March 20th, 2025 from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Harrison Meadows Country Club
123 North St
Harrison, NY 10528

Registration is closed for this meeting- We are at Capacity

We will be livestreaming the meeting on Facebook Live

Our Topic Will Be: “Housing in Surprising Places” 

For decades, conventional thinking was that suburban communities with good schools and good access to the Metro North Railroad was the last place you would expect smooth sailing for building new housing, let alone affordable housing. But like much conventional thinking, this idea may be past its prime. Multifamily developments are popping up in surprising places, and even municipalities with affluent residents are becoming more open to thoughtful, in context development to bring in new neighbors, new tax revenue, and new community benefits.

At our March General Membership Meeting, we’ll take a look at two recent case studies in Pelham, NY and New Canaan, CT. How did they come about? What was the vision? What bumps in the road did they hit? And what lessons can be learned for other communities?

We’ll begin with informal networking and discussion at 5:00 PM.
The main program will begin at 6:00 PM.


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