Newport Retirement Plan Webinar
Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 6:00 P.M.
The Building & Realty Institute invites you to discuss a new retirement planoption offered as a member-only benefit:NEW RETIREMENT PLANWhether or not you currently offer a 401 (k) retirement plan for your employees, you may wish to attend to learn more about this option for BRI members.Pooling together the businesses and organizations that make up the BRI will enable us to offer a plan that has a much lower operational cost, much less administration, while still allowing each individual firm to design its own plan.Each member will have access to expert retirement planning advice from an independent team at Wells Fargo.By pooling together, members will also be able to alleviate the need for an audit, which is a major cost for many plans.The retirement plan landscape has changed drastically in the last couple of years, and anyone who is a decision-maker for your existing plan or thinking about adding a new plan should attend one of these informational webinars.
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